TrueRife will continue to support research into the medical applications of TrueRife electromagnetic frequencies. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. GBS Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Nerve Pain: I have had Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) for over 1 1/2 years of painful hell. I also had prostrate cancer and have used the RIFE machine regarding this health matter. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! Today I did program #109 (the other half of the Custom Comprehensive Program for Anxiety) , starting at 4.5 and almost ending at 10 intensity. I didn't expect much (I have gone through so much with my doctor!) It always works. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - German Shepherd Dog - Fecal Incontinence, Pulled Muscle or Tendon, Inflammation: ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Race Horse Joint Pain, Hip Pain: My husband trains race horses and he does a lot of body work on them. I heard about a Rife machine but I didn't really think would work for me but I was desperate to try something. See full details on our. WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. and I also follow-up with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the am and pm, floss in the pm, and generally also swish a bit of colloidal silver during day. Carcinoma, Cancer of Liver, Lymph Nodes & Lung Cancer, Pain: Although drinking plenty of pure water, I experienced major detox problems. On the morning of the third day, however, he arose feeling refreshed, optimistic and with more energy than he had felt in six months. It's fairly expensive. Now I am a real believer in this machine. Their outlook for me was not good. D & C Lee, SC 1-30-17. Along with his supplements and the help of sparky, he is doing great! - T. Verway (via D. Boyer), OH (12-10-15), I have had my machine for several months now and enjoy the many good results I have been getting. I can happily report that my health has improved dramatically and am using the Rife 101 on a daily basis. My husband was diagnosed with lung and throat cancer 15 months ago - only 4 months after my only sister died of lung cancer. - M. Bain, FL (8-1-16). However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine produces. It was even suggested to me by two physicians that I visit a psychiatrist for my make-believe disease. After one treatment the itching and pain stopped shortly after the treatment was done. I had previously been diagnosed and received a chemo-therapy treatment that may have somehow helped me a bit, but my immune system was weakened and I felt very bad. I was becoming physically unrecognizable to myself and the painful reality of my once budding career was that it was vanishing before my eyes. Six months later she is still fine. The pain in my back, post-surgery, got so bad, I thought I'd go to the emergency room, but I figured I'd try my Rife 101 machine. I have tried all of the chelators DMSA + ALA, DMPS, EDTA, Cilantro, Chlorella, Garlic etc. I have dry eyes, I get styes and inflammation and the Eye Program and Eye Inflammation really helps. I did one treatment a week for maintenance. You use the device for a few minutes a day several times a week. Whatever it was, it was invisible - no doctor could see why we were itching so bad. Have another experience for you when we prove it is working. (I bought another one a few weeks ago). The first use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the United States dates back to the 1920s. WOW, every day is a bit better nowI don't have to push too hard to urinate. Some of his friends begged him to try the Rife 101 machine. Most of these claims are personal accounts. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. The gum above that tooth has been sensitive ever since, so probably got infected during the repair. I use the hand cylinders. It really truly works. AND, I need a new pair of glasses because my glasses are too strong - my eyes improved from using the Glaucoma & Cataract programs. As a distinguished natural health practitioner, Dr. Yole Raam teaches people how to improve health in natural ways, such as Yoga, meditation, herbs, etc. I am sure that the only reason I am alive is because of this machine. You are indeed a gem. I definitely have more energy and I think it's helping. After two Rife machine treatments at twice weekly intervals he reported that he was symptom-free. I'm not surprised. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. Feb 17, 2023. He experienced pain and hemorrhaging on swallowing and was scheduled for surgery. I've been running detoxification, acidosis and infections programs. That's when I started using the Rife 101 and from March to now (July) my blood work improved tremendously - the doctors don't know what I'm doing but they are astounded at my numbers! My wife and I have owned a timeshare for many years, and we thoroughly looked forward to a week of golf in mid April in the state of Tennessee. Support. Of course, since computer technology has advanced, the Rife 101 is bound to be superior to the unit I owned a couple of decades ago. You put electrical pads on your hands or feet. That's when I got my machine. However, I am excited about receiving the unit. He used the Spooky2 Rife machine for 3 months and when he was tested again the cancer could not be found. Yet, within two hours, as toxins began to be eliminated from the system, he felt extreme fatigue and went to bed for the next two days. Be sure that your doctor is aware of all the treatments you try. They said it was pre-cancerous. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. Kind regards - Adam B., PA (12/7/15), I wrote Tina Rappaport, and although I did not request this information, she sent me some programs to try! - KM, NY (5-17-18). While about 6 months ago, his legs became bad again, and even worse than they were before he had the surgery 25 years ago. By the way, over 20 conditions that the Rife Model 101 can treat applied to me. Love, Margaret S (11/4/15), I bought the Rife Model 101 recently and I'm very happy with it as it's helped my son a ton with his acne. Thanks so much! I started using my Rife 101 every other day on the Cancer and Lung Programs (thank you so much, Tina Rappaport). We are dealing with multiple myeloma, now, 4 years after the diagnosis, and much medical treatment. She also had Candidiasis (Candida), a chronic staph infection on her scalp and reported extreme fatigue, She was given two treatments a week for tour weeks. - Sakina R, HI (3/12/12). Rife thought bacteria were behind many diseases like cancer. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one.,,,, How Cancer Immunotherapy Extended Jimmy Carter's Life and the Hope It Brings to Others, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: How 150 Minutes of Exercise a Week Can Help, Cancer Treatment: New Therapy Using LED Light to Target Tumors Shows Promise, How This Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Is Changing the Game for Black Patients, Colorectal Cancer: Why Some People May Be Able to Delay Regular Colonoscopies. This Rife 101 machine allowed me to walk again and use my hands! A few sessions and problems are gone. It was depressing, to say the least. It definitely is my "miracle machine". I have always been extremely athletic, playing all forms of sports all my life, and really enjoy the game of golf. The American Cancer Society soon debunked their claims with a published study. Asthma, Sinusitis, Diabetes, Numbness, Knee Replacements & Emphysema: I had been experiencing nagging pain in my left shoulder for nearly six months. - Linda L. Virus, Insomnia, Cold, Chronic Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Stomach Problems & Hiatal Hernia: Several weeks ago after visiting my father in the hospital, I was diagnosed with a viral condition of the brain. After a couple of weeks I was beginning to feel like I did many years ago. I only used the Rife 101 and now I'm free of cancer. It's very painful. We'd been to every medical doctor in Tulsa Oklahoma. We also started Essiac Tea, vitamin C, enzymes, other supplements and we got a water ionizer. American scientist Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine during the 1920s and 1930s. If you are really stuck, QuickAssist is a secure feature allowing TrueRife staff to drive your computer in real-time to help solve most any problem. Today I walked down my stairs. I first set the Rife machine on itching and nothing happened. I used the Chronic Fatigue program and my energy definitely picked up. Sincerely - BJK from CA, I'm 86 and had edema in my ankles and it was red up my leg to my knee. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. She took the time Saturday morning to check on all the possible shipping options and contacted me this morning personally to let me know the options, then sent me shipping confirmation before 10:30 this morning! There was nothing the medical doctors could do. A doctor treated the festering wound for 8 days - medicine from three different prescriptions with antibiotics, steroids etc. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. He did the treatment because of mehe didn't want to put me thru it again so soon after losing my sister. Thought I would give you an update. I gave up any hope of finding an answer and accepted my fate. I was so disappointed! My ulcer is gone. I have Parkinsons Disease. Thank you so much! - R. Sorge, GA (10-1-20), Thanks so much, Tina Rappaport! I became fascinated with Royal Raymond Rife and his work after seeing first hand the amazing effects of the Rife 101 Energy System. But, researchers recently started experimenting with radiofrequency EMFs to treat cancer. UPDATE: In the meantime, my stomach problems never came back - thanks to Rife - and little other problems are dealt with too! My condition continued to deteriorate to the point that I asked to be referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Lets hear it for the Rife 101 are we surprised? Now it's been 4 or 5 months and I've had NONE. - J.S. I also used it on the Glands Program for weight loss and lost weight! All my friends are buying them now because I don't want to lend mine out so much! The lesions (possibly Kaposi's Sarcoma?) My daughter uses it for cold sores and it has helped her. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. (1994). T&R Laury, MN (12-31-20), I hit the side of my wrist (with my metal wristwatch band) so hard on the stainless steel oven handle, that I dented the handle. I started using your Rife machine and all hell broke loose. He treated me with his own Rife 101 Energy System and I had amazing results! Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more Shirley, TX, I had a painful strep infection in my larynx. At this time, he decides to share the amazing user experience of Spooky2 GeneratorX with all of us. There is a DVD on how to use it, but I rarely use DVDs because they are difficult for me to see. My white blood cell count was very high. Take Care! I started running the Rife 101 and within an hour the pain was gone. He thought Spooky2 is the most Affordable Rife Machine for everyone. I told him he's going to be the Rife 101 poster child, lol. Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. Florence S. (NW, 6-2015), Hello Tina, Just want to say thank you for your help! Delaying medical treatment can lead to the cancer spreading to other parts of the body, making it more challenging to for doctors to treat. Thank you. depression, headaches, circulation, liver, lung, allergy, allergies, itching, bites, COPD, asthma, cough, pneumonia, My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her Spine. One person nearly died, and a child in our town did die from the virus. I have extreme chemical sensitivities and learned to muscle test years ago for everything. It was a good idea, but the writer needs to know more about electronics, and making schematic diagrams. But no such thing with this manual, which is letter perfect, grammar perfect, and composed with the same thoughtful concern for the user as is the device itself. - E.W., TX (7/15/15), Hi Tinaim really having some bad reactionsyou know I requested your eye program because two days ago my eye was inflamed with blood vessels and pain periodicallyi used the program and put electrodes, on my templeused the program twice that daysoon after the pain was getting betterthe tiny blood vessels were getting smallerThe third dayno more redness, no painWow my rife is working! I used to have the horrible pain attacks about every other night and now maybe once every 3 weeks, much less severe and even then they seem to be fading away. This theory is sometimes called radionics. The machine also helps with our aches and pains. They definitely were worth the investment. She phoned the next day and thanked me for his Ukrainian Xmas eve present. It seemed to me that medicine was all about time and pushing pharmaceuticals down everyone's throat or whatever port of entry. After more sessions I could sing again. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. (April 2014) I've been meaning to send you a line, Tina. Some people have reported experiencing electrical shocks when using a Rife machine. Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more #8285, CA (1-18-20), A friend reported that her friend, who is 91, got his Rife 101 for his eyes. I tried every remedy that sounded helpful but nothing worked. When he had an attack, we tried it and after 3 consecutive days it was almost cleared up which was amazing because it could debilitate him for weeks before. When he got the news, he was very distraught. He lived in Australia and has been a professional artist for 20 years. Often I develop a deep itch in my feet or my hands--the kind of itch that can't be reached with general scratching. Sometimes the connective tissue can get inflamed and I had been under stress and traveling, lifting suitcases, etc. Alopecia, Hair Loss, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Candida, Mold: My son, 24, went to the hair dresser for hair cut - and found a round bald spot, starting to lose his hair! A friend let me use his Rife 101 Machine for six weeks, then I went back to LSU hospital where they ran a PET scan on me and told me I had no trace of melanoma in my body! I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not. - A. Rubino, NH (3-1-19). GX biofeedback scan is very accurate and fast. A man raised very expensive and fancy goldfish. My mother is doing much better. - Chris, My husband has several medical issues, including lymphedema, allergies, and diabetes. - S. Vernon 11/15/17. Worked like magic and I was able to sleep. I have seen it work miracles on many things, some of my own problems and others! A few weeks later, I prayed to God for some ideas of how to treat the eye. Then suddenly, without warning, he just stopped eating. I mean, I'm the kind of guy the MAIN reason I purchased a computer from Apple was because I knew I'd be able to get the best in tech support. P. Courtney, PA (NW, 2005), Had a horrible parasitic infection. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. - Vivian J, FL (April 2015). Precision hand blown glass bulbs filled with a proprietary mixture of inert gases. I love that machine, and I call it "my doctor". Update 8/24/17: The dubious crowned tooth continues to feel normal. They twist over to one side and I also get cramps in the calf muscles of my right let. To us that is so wonderful to hear, I am jumping for joy. I would also like to thank my husband of 43 years, Bill, who has stood by my side, visiting me at the hospital every day. The doctor was amazed at my recovery. - B. Farnholtz, TX (7-23-16), I have been using the Rife 101 since March 2 2016. Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. WebWhat about the Beam Ray Rife Machine? - C. Rocque, MO (4/5/14), My husband keeps bees and he had a huge reaction to some stings. Thank you for speaking with us over the July 4th weekend. NOTE ABOUT Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Impotence: Being female, not many men report their success with this issue, although they may mention it when purchasing their unit. She has a Rife 101 machine. The pneumonia doctor actually reviewed my records and was very surprised when he realized I'm not on medication and I'm doing so well. The only thing that showed up on the PET scan was a mass on my left upper lung. In other cases, of (major) focal dystonia the person has to stop performance all together with little or no recovery possible. Thanks to the Rife 101. - Claudia, IN, I have had this problem for over 30 years. Thank you for your help! WebThe Rife machine was introduced in the early 1930s by Royal Raymond Rife, an inventor who maintained that all cancer is caused by bacteria and claimed that his machine could detect the microbes by the color of the auras they emitted. He tried many homeopathic methods without much success. I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! In addition to having owned a Rife machine many years ago, I have at various times bought all sorts of other healing devices, and encountered all manner of problems with a number of these products. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Parvo, Near Death: Oh what a cute German Shepherd puppy Rocky was! My feet and ankles were swollen so bad I could hardly get my shoes on! At 32, I'm happy to say, although disabled, he can walk, but he's always in a lot of pain. Try it. You're awesome! The savings on the cost of my meds alone will pay for my Rife 101. Robert H, KS (NW, 2008). They are drug salespeople, not healers. I can't imagine where I would be without my machine. But this was done in a lab, and not on humans. My adult daughter also had a great experience. I haven't been able to see for years. I used the Rife 101 for several days, even running it all night long, and I was feeling much better so I stopped using it. He is a walking miracle from what the family has told me. Of course he has had to change his eating habits etc. Rife machines are expensive. The cancer went away and his doctors were astonished - they couldn't find a trace of it. I had NO problems and recovered from the surgery quickly - I even had dinner at a restaurant with my kids that night! I was scratching so bad, and it was so swollen - my legs were even twitching. DOI: Barbault A, et al. I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours. My gums were bleeding every time I brushed my teeth. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. Yes they work! When I got home and looked it up, it wasn't LIKE leprosy, it IS LEPROSY!! Usually this means sick for 2 weeks and getting nothing done. I have not been able to do the things I needed to do. Over three months now and it's running normal! Seems like one machine confirmed what the other did. My friend just purchased one of your units because he used mine only once and his leg and back pain was greatly improved! It was a constant annoyance, and embarrassing when I was around people. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I am very pleased to have this Rife machine on hand. A week later she was still alive. 1 review. I can use my hands without pain. He continues to feel so much better and it's healing nicely. My friend was telling me that they would have to operate on the abdomen by opening it up and scraping it. I drove 45 minutes to the doctor, got expensive medication, took it and it didn't help. I live in a little tiny town of 2,500 people so it's quite a bit of traveling to see a doctor. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns. I was really starting to lose hope that I would never overcome this very serious Candida problem. The rest of the storythey removed a specimen 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm x 1 cm thick. I do experience some detox symptoms such as lightheadedness, headaches and nausea. I ran it anyway. When I had a QXCI session back in July 2014 I had a negative 9 reading for immunity. He then ordered a CAT scan and I was told I had a mass, then he ordered a PET scan. I also have pain in my arm and superior vena cava syndrome. I was told to get my life in order. The 2nd day I thought maybe a little better but not really thinking anything was working. for water filtration, ionization, super hydration and cleansing detoxification! Whats more, opting for alternative therapy with the Rife machine in lieu of regular cancer care may harm your health. The doctor was amazed that my prostate was down almost normal in size! I first got involved with the Rife technology when My son had a blockage in his pancreas duct in July of 2004. I was heading towards prostate cancer. There is a mutation of the Staphylococcus called 'MRSA', which does not respond to antibiotic treatment. Thanks for the packet full of info in the mail too. My neck was stiff and swollen and it affected my whole head and ears. I take him swimming twice a week for good exercise. I am hoping that by June, there will be an even better testimonial! Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the If anyone else has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores can be. The cataract that was forming on my better eye, is now nonexistent! Also, when I go to bed and lie down, the bottoms of my feet cramp. My daughter continued with her daily Rife 101 use. Rife 101, I wish I could have found you a long time ago. I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. Rife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. He states his two proudest achievements as a physician have been reversing his fathers stage 3 lung cancer using the Abscopal Effect, and the detection of his wifes malignant melanoma and ovarian cancers at stage zero using liquid biopsies. And also a program for verruca under her breast that disappeared after only two half an hours sessions. Since Thursday, Duchess our German Shepherd dog, has been getting a treatment a night running the inflammation program for her, putting the sticky pads on her paw pads. I now realize that I've been under using my machine out of fear of over reactionsso sometimes the results are great, but sometimes not so great. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. We are the leader in Rife Technology. General Health, Kidneys, Circulation, Breathing, Eyes: I'm doing well, thanks most especially to the Rife Machine - best Life saving gift ever that my Mom gave me. But these are different frequencies than a Rife machine. My father having died of that disease some half a century earlier, I supposed I might be genetically disposed to the same thing. I've been SUFFERING with candida, mold and fungus and all related illnesses for 60 years. I got 2 bites before we found their spider pod. I have him one Rife 101 treatment and within a day it was gone. Her husband's tests are all improving! A friend told us if there's too much sugar in your system it can cause itching. One guy with blood cancer, myeloid something, would go months without a blood transfusion when he'd use my machine - otherwise it was only 2-3 weeks. She's cancer free! - L. Gottberg, CA 11-14-17, While attending a bluegrass festival in Palatka, FL we returned to our RV after the music, about 10:30pm. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. True Rife is a research company and all information enclosed within this website must be considered theoretical and for experimental research only. The first few hours of the migraine were unbearable, after using the RIFE and sticking the pads to my head, it became somewhat bearable and I was finally able to get some sleep. I am the very happy owner of the Rife Model 101 Rife Machine, which I bought in October 2009. It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! (2009). Betty never revealed her secret and continues to use her machine. I've had black spots on my forearms from too much sun exposure for quite some time - they said it was melanoma. I'm sold on your product. - Name Withheld, PA 6-10-17), My husband has prostate trouble, so he noticed that besides the prostate program there is the bladder program too and he's been using that now. Thank God for you and my Rife 101! Just ordered my own unit. She just went for a PET scan and is 100% cancer free. Many times that was difficult, as it can be for all of us with various struggles that we face. I had to blow my nose every couple of minutes! - J. Simonu, UT 3-29-17, It has just come to our attention that there is a particular frequency in the Rife 101 Energy System that may be helpful to rebuild bone in osteoporosis, or prevent further bone loss in addition to the program we currently recommend. Sincerely, Lynn T. Hello there. I felt it coming on and wasted no time. Corey M. (NW, 2005). This article looks at how it works, how to use it, and the benefits and risks of CBD oil. I ran the PAIN program and the pain was ALL GONE! Thank you for the free gifts also. In the 1920s, Scientific American magazine formed a committee to investigate Abrams claims about radionics. Thanks Nick. US. We avoid using tertiary references. Depression gone. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. Over the years, it has become one if my most prized possessions! I was so happy and felt so much better - my world has changed! I have IBS and it has helped me so much. I am a true believer in this remarkable machine!!! Well, they cut my cast off and my leg was perfect - no swelling, no smell, no skin problems! (Rife 101 user since April 2012) - E. Valdes, TX 9-28-16, A friend of mine had been sick for about 4 weeks and in the hospital 2 weeks with bad flu and stomach issues. At the end of the week he begged for a little more time as he is feeling so much better. Cervical Cancer, Candidiasis, Staph Infection, Extreme Fatigue: A 50 year-old woman reported with uterine pain and discharge of mucous and blood, hyperplasia showing stage 5 cancer on Pap smear. Chest Pain, Infection, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Colds, Flu, Immune System: About 5 years ago I suddenly had trouble breathing and the pain in my chest was horrible. Well, since using the Rife 101, the cramps are GONE! Some people claim they can help cure cancer and treat other conditions like Lyme disease and AIDS. , every day is a DVD on how to treat the Eye they would to. Genetically disposed to the point that i asked to be safe, but i was so happy and so. At home ; one is probably 9 years old and still works great on the Glands program verruca! Little or no recovery possible rife machine testimonials regular cancer care may harm your health my forearms from too much sun for. A cute German Shepherd puppy Rocky was friend told us if you have questions... Even had dinner at a restaurant with my doctor! my better,! Right let his friends begged him to try the Rife 101 since March 2 2016 definitions. 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